1.We are disappointed that the Minister of Justice has decided to issue an Authority to Proceed in the face of the political nature of the U.S, charges and where the President of the United States has repeatedly stated that he would interfere in Ms. Meng’s case if he thought it would assist the U.S negotiations with Chinaover a trade deal.
2.We are alsoconcerned that the Minister has approved an ATP in circumstances where the conduct alleged to be an offence in the U.S. would not be an offence in Canada. This is an affront to the foundational extradition principle ofdouble criminality.
3.Our client maintains that she is innocent of any wrongdoing and that the U.S. prosecutionand extradition constitutes an abuse of the processes of law.
4.Our client looks forward to having her rights vindicated in the judicial phase of theextradition process.
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