原文作者:Steve Andriole
Gartner上月刚刚对2017年十大战略性技术趋势进行了预测,分别是:AI与高级机器学习;智能应用;智能对象;VR与AR;数字孪生(Digital Twin);区块链和分布式总账;会话系统;网格应用与服务体系架构;数字技术平台以及自适应安全架构(Adaptive Security Architecture)。
与此同时,其他机构也纷纷根据自己收集的数据对未来一年的行业趋势进行预测,其中,Villanova University的教授Steve Andriole就预测各行各业的公司机构将在未来使用以下技术:
值得注意的是:AI技术,自动化推理,以及 学习技术并未出现在Steve Andriole的预测中。
下文具体解释了Gartner的十大预测,而Steve Andriole对这些预测一一作出了点评。
人工智能(AI)和高级机器学习(ML)由许多科技和技术(如: 学习、神经网络、自然语言处理(NLP)组成。更先进的技术将超越基于规则的传统算法,创造能够理解、学习、预测、适应,甚至可以自主操作的系统。Gartner认为,到2020年前,AI将成为服务供应商的主战场。
Gartner’s Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2017 were recently published. They are insightful, but predictable. They’re also somewhat out of sync with data we – and others – have recently collected.
Let’s look at the top 10 strategic technology trends for 2017 by first noting some findings we discovered from data collected in 2016 at Villanova University. We discovered that companies across many industries plan to pilot the following (rank-ordered) technologies:
Cloud Computing (Public & Private)
Structured & Unstructured Big Data Analytics
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
Mobile Applications
Wearable Technologies
Location-Based Technologies
Internet-of-Things (IOT)
ePayment Systems
Digital Security Technologies (Especially Multilayer Authentication)
These are the technologies and technology clusters that companies actually plan to pilot in 2016 and 2017. Noticeably absent from the list is AI/automated reasoning/deep learning – the first technology on the Gartner list.
With this as backdrop, let’s look at what Gartner is telling us.
Trend #1: AI & Advanced Machine Learning
Gartner is clearly on to something here, but the larger question is about investment timing. If I were running a large or mid-sized company I’d place AI (broadly defined) on every watch list I could find and pilot the most promising applications that appeared on the list. The key point, however, is just how embedded AI has become. The emphasis should not be on creating new, smart applications for most companies (unless you’re an AI company), but to track the growing intelligence embedded in the applications available to enable their business processes and models, as well as whole new applications that were developed from the outset to be “smart” in your industry.
#2: Intelligent Apps
Same thing here: it’s about the growing intelligence within applications, infrastructures and devices (unless, of course, you’re one of the creators of automated reasoning or personal assistant technologies). But I just have to ask, does anyone doubt this observation?: “By 2018, Gartner expects most of the world’s largest 200 companies to exploit intelligent apps and utilize the full toolkit of big data and analytics tools to refine their offers and improve customer experience.” Most of this “exploitation” will occur via new “intelligent” features embedded in existing applications in specific industries.
#3: Intelligent Things
The prediction here feels more like a trailing than a tracking indicator.
#4: Virtual & Augmented Reality
Yes, virtual and augmented realties are already here – and working.
#5: Digital Twins
While I love the “digital twins” metaphor, there’s not much new here: “within three to five years, billions of things will be represented by digital twins, a dynamic software model of a physical thing or system.” The larger issue is the content, breadth and control of the intelligent ecosystem – which will continue to expand in multiple directions. IOT and wearables, for example, are about connectivity, inference and intelligence via analytics.
#6: Blockchain
Blockchain is here to stay. We just don’t yet know where, when or for how long. As I said last week, “while blockchain has enormous potential, there are challenges to widespread adoption. While it’s true that there’s a lot of funding for blockchain start-ups, it’s also true that we’ve seen technologies perceived as broadly important as blockchain take longer to mature and deploy than anticipated, though I doubt we’ll have to wait until 2022 for clarity. Issues like centralized versus distributed integration and legacy architecture compatibility will persist; there will be significant required cooperation among implementation parties for blockchain to become core to many flavors of transaction processing (beyond cryptocurrency). The business challenge for blockchain companies will be “market share”: will it be open and diffuse – “neutral” – or will it be aggressively proprietary or “closed.” Will a Redhat emerge or will there be countless Hadoops? Someone will win the blockchain sweepstakes.”
#7: Conversational Systems
Voice is the killer interface of the early 21st century. Others are in the pipeline but voice interfaces – especially if they’re intelligent and conversational (which they increasingly are) – will be the preferred way “users” interact with their “machines.” One of interaction models that will emerge – and will further empower voice interaction – is proactive (versus reactive) conversations. Proactive voice assistance – enabled by location and other data – will direct and manage without user/machine Q&A. The value of conversational voice will also increase by semantic analyses capable of understanding and inferring from all kinds of data including customer service records and streaming social media.
#8: Mesh App and Service Architecture
Seamless integration and interoperability across all hardware and software architectures (in a non-standard, competitive marketplace) remains the goal – which is challenging given the number or proprietary architectures out there.
#9: Digital Technology Platforms
Digital technology platforms are emerging around emerging around new centers of activity, like analytics, IOT, wearables, location-based systems and, of course, cloud computing. But remember that all of these (and other) activity clusters intersect more than they standalone. More and more infrastructures and applications are converging and companies must understand how that convergence affects their ability to pivot and compete.
#10: Adaptive Security Architecture
Our data at Villanova also underscores the importance of digital security. There’s the business of security – audits, compliance, policies and procedures – and the security technology itself. The business side lags the technology side (which lags the device and applications sides). All security architectures must continuously adapt while recognizing that the security industry is essentially a reactive one destined to chase solutions to problems it had no idea existed an hour, a day or a week ago.
There are several problems with lists like these. First, they are presented at a very high level of abstraction. Put another way, they are high-level and therefore more difficult to dispute or even discuss. Second, they are similar to many, many other lists: who doesn’t have “AI” on their list of potentially important technologies? Finally, these kinds of lists are seldom “actionable”: very little guidance is provided to readers about exactly what to do next? A reasonable question would be, “if these technologies are so important what should I be doing right now?”
The answer to the last question is track/assess/pilot the technologies most likely to impact business rules, processes and whole business models in your industry. The ten technologies we discovered at Villanova are technologies that companies plan to pilot, not just track, across multiple industries. While tracking is interesting and sometimes fun, companies should track, assess, pilot and measure the impact that emerging and potentially disruptive technologies might have on their new product development, competitive positioning, revenue and profitability, among other objectives. Lists should be purposeful, not just speculative.
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